Saturday 28 March 2009

Fire Fire!

Fire Behaviour week. What a fab week this was. It has just flown by.

Ending our 3 weeks in the ba block brings me to the half way point of the whole course! The last three weeks have been so good. Being introduced to the real thing this week puts all the other stuff learnt in it's place.

As a kid we had a coal fire and I admit that I did used to sit staring into the flames rather than the t.v. A couple of the exercises involved sitting in a room with flames for quite a while, although the flames are gas induced at the college, they are just as mesmerising and hypnotic as they were when I was small.

Next week I'm onto FPOS (First Person On Scene.) A pretty intense week (aren't they all) this time in the class room. That's all for now though as I have to go and get changed for the Tea-party my daughter Lucie has organised. ciao

1 comment:

Alexandra said...

Geesh! How on earth do you find the time to do all that you do! You amaze me!