Upon mentioning my intentions to my good friend Karen..expecting her to do the honourable thing and talk me out of it..she also said..'game on!' And so it is that we have been hounding the experienced among you for advice (If we haven't yet we will!)...sorry!
So taking our committment seriously we set out today to make a start at upping our weekend mileage..a dreicht day but a good run all the same..we did the undulating strathblane route to Killearn and back..the shorter version as we really haven't been doing many long runs lately..10.4 in total.
It was a cold wet run..low mist clinging to Dumgoyne throughout the duration of our run...I'm sure it was a nice day above the cloud!
And the coffee, eggs and tattie scones tasted extra good afterwards!!
And now for a game of Spot the Difference!

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