Saturday 21 February 2009

One down-11 to go!!

Well I am back- having survived my first week of Gullane. It was a very intensive week of sitting in lectures and having lots of information thrown out..only to be expected to regurgitate it in a written test on Friday. Glad to say that with the help of a few mnemonics I did manage to do so with sufficient success as to be allowed to return next week!

I was lucky enough to be allocated a room next to Lynne...another runner and so we managed to get out and run around the street lit areas of Gullane. They are not many and so we did them quite a lot despite low mileage-that was simply due to the time restrictions.

The only night I didn't make it out was Tues as my squad was on duty and therefore not allowed out!

And so I have settled with relative ease into a life where:

* all meals are cooked for me-and they're very good!
* No washing up
* Only myself to pick up after.
* My day is planned to the last second (although I rarely have to do more than one thing at once!)
* I have a curfew...and a lights out time. (It's been a while since I had one of those!)

Next week I will take my head lamp then Lynne and I will be able to roam the wilds of Gullanes surrounding areas! The beach and countryside.

Not sure how much running I will manage as I have heard groans at the mention of Hose Tuesday and shudders at the words 'ladder lifts'. All coming in the next six days. Oh then theres the 'optional' (yeah right like I'm going to be the only one who wimps out)circuits on Monday night.

Mon 3.25m
Wednesday 4.5m
Thursday 3m

1 comment:

Davie said...

Curfew? Lights OUT? At the Scottish Police College that's when the fun begins!

Welcome back, missing you contributions to blogland.