Well here I am in Berlin. Back in the hotel nice and early for a good nights rest! It has been a long day. traveling always seems to take so much out of you!
we got to the hotel at about 5pm having set off at 9am.
I had a quick cuppa then out to find the expo which took another age.
It was huge! Took me ages to find the registration but I did find fellow Garscuber Anne and her husband. We sat and had pasta before trekking back.
Have arranged to meet Anne for an easy run round Tiergarten park tomorrow mmorning which will be nice.
Phew. Maybe get chance to soak a bit of Berlin up tomorrow.
Plans for 2021
4 years ago
Good luck tomorrow. Take it easy early on and you'll be fine. Two of my clubmates from Milburn Jan and Rob Knight also over there. Light blue vest with dark blue diagonal and club name on the chest.
I would go back to Berlin Marathon just for the expo. I counldn't believe the size. It was like Braehead for runners :-)
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