9am Sunday 28th September!
Sunday was a beautiful day. Blue sky and sun...o-oh heat not good for me.
I met Anne and we trekked miles to put our bags in the baggage tents.
We then did the usual multiple trips to the bushes before finding our start positions.
I had a great start position due to my Lochaber 2007 time. It took me about 2 mins to cross the line.
It was a great buzz and music and support was bellowing out along every street.
There was some 'clogging' due to areas where the road narrowed. I was not bothered by this as the pace was still good.
I was feeling better than ever and the first 10 miles were bliss. After this though I started getting pain in my left hip and knee...good old IT band! By the half way mark I knew that in order to finish I would have to drop the pace. It was also hotting up and the sun was beginning to make me wilt.
The vibe was great and the fire brigade were out at various intervals with their hoses making showers across the roads to cool us all down.
As my hip and knee got more painful and stiff I began making each drinks station my goal...every 5k. I then took a good long drink at each walking the length of the tables lifting my knee high to stretch out my hip.
As with all marathons the last 3-4 miles seemed to go on for ever and I felt like I was going soooo slow. One step in front of the other.
Turning into the finishing straight was amazing. Seeing the Brandenburg Gate, what a sight. I made sure I ran through the very centre...then there was that annoying extra bit...the last few hundred meters where you feel as though you are on a treadmill going in the opposite direction..never getting any closer!
It appears I made it though! Right next to the Centurion!!
26.2m- 3h56.
Here I am with Anne underneath the Brandenburg gate.

Anne and I in Tiergarten park on Saturday 27th

The in line marathon-held on the Saturday. Awesome! You should feel the whoosh as these guys whizz past!

Congratulations! I actually looked up the results on Monday! I was curious to know how you did!
Great job! How did the celebrating go or maybe it's still going on!
Many thanks for this report. I'm training for the Berlin Marathon (my first!) this year.
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