Thanks to Making Waves I have been tagged...I have to come up with a few random facts about myself!
Well random facts let me see!!
* When I was really little we used to go for walks and days out to Beeston Castle. At the time (clearly before electricity) you go to carry a candle into the caves there. My Mum enjoys retelling the story of how she found me crawling around the floor in the dark...my unlit candle in my hand. 'What are you doing?' she asked. 'Looking for my light, I dropped it' I replied!
* When I was at secondary school I was entered into a police quiz. Four of us represented the school. We won and the prize was 100 pounds for the school and a meal in MacDonalds for us!! As much as we could eat! Healthy huh!
* My dad was one of the first civilians to be given penicillin. Without it he may not have made it to adulthood!
* My primary school had orange covers over the electricity cables that ran into the office block. From the day I arrived -when I was 5 I thought they were carrots..
OK that's enough of that. Now I will tag:-
Runners trots
Lesley McInally Ceramic Art
Thanks for that!
A whole meal in McDonalds?! Wow!
If that doesn't make you want to run a mile gawd knows what will!
That's where you got the running bug then.
Thanks for playing tag! That is an interesting fact about your Dad that you shared with us. Thank goodness for the invention of penicillin!
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