Following the excitement of yesterday and a few more glasses of wine I was slow to rise this morning. I had left the car in the West End and therefore planned a route to collect said vehicle.
It was a dull day about 1 degree, good running conditions.
I opted for a route through Clydebank then along Dumbarton Rd and the old railway track to the car.
Given that my weekend run is usually more 'Off road' and quite scenic, it was quite a change. Less picturesque in the pretty sense but in many ways just as interesting. Here's what caught my eye.
The unofficial emblem of Glasgow, the huge towering cranes that are remnants of the once thriving shipbuilding industry along the Clyde.
This Titian Crane is one of only four remaining along the Clyde. It's 150 foot and was built in 1907. It became a category A listed structure in 2005 and opened to the public in 2007....100years old!
Following the demolition of Clydebank make room for houses, I had been wondering where it had been relocated. My question was answered as I ran along Dumbarton Rd, a big modern building by the river has appeared. At this point the planes seem close enough to reach up and touch as they descend into Glasgow airport just across the Clyde.
The less manicured sights of Yoker. I took the old railway track from Clydebank to Broomhill. The local graffiti artists had been out. A little more practice needed before we can claim to have our own Banksy.
Rather liked this little gathering of ariel lifts.
The best yet. Blow this picture up and you will see that this guy is actually fly fishing...think he was hoping to catch a football? A bizarre sight was practicing his 'single arm' or on really good acid? (I admit that all I know about Fly fishing is an association with J.R. Hartley and the yellow pages!)
The end of the railway track. A view across MacHargs and the Clyde to BAE.
Finally I did a loop of Victoria park to make my run up to 10 miles. A bit of a blast from the past as I used to spend many days wondering round this park when the kids were babies!
10m 1:27