Another Thursday night spent scrambling up Cochno.
This time we went straight up to the top.
We began our run with a rather traumatic account of Fiona outdoors mammogram. (Which she had had today.) She is threatening to make it the first post on her new blog so I will leave her to tell you all about that. But by the time Superfit Dave and I set out we felt we had experienced the whole thing with her and thus were equally traumatised!
As we stepped out of the car it was torrential sleet and it looked to be a real battle of a run. Fortunately it eased off as we scrambled through the first field. Images of battle axe nurses (of ample bosom) tugging at Fiona outdoors' less than ample bosom were soon replaced by the concentration, needed to stay upright.

Flying Robin was also there making it look easy.....
I don't seem to be getting any better at running up hills but I will persevere. It's still worth it to see the view over Glasgow from the top, the twinkling stars in the sky and the joy of knowing 'It's all down hill from here'

Less than ample?! Less than ample for the pink-but-sombre toastie-sandwich-maker looking mammo machine perhaps.. but perfectly adequate for a runner's needs! i must, i must - write a blog myself!
Fiona Outdoors
done it now! thanks for the prompting: http://fionaoutdoors.blogspot.com/
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