Saturday 19 July 2008

Beautiful Bright Blue Sky

Rain was forecast for this morning. In contrast to everyone else in the region I was actually looking forward to it. The promise of running in the cooling rain was very appealing!

Something went wrong though!! When I opened my eyes and looked through the mesh of the sleeping compartment all I could see beyond the green pine trees was blue...beautiful bright blue sky!

Oh well another glorious hot run in the sun!! I should be relishing this...It's a rare occasion that I can write that in Glasgow!!

I headed off along the cycle path in the opposite direction this time. This way delivered more shade- at least on the way out. I ran past the towering red and white lighthouse, along the cote savage. Inhailing the smells and trying not to look at the pace!! Once my body got going it was a really good morning run.

On the return journey I realised that I had had it easy on the way out. The sun was rising above the treetops, I was running into it, and even the plentiful pines were unable to prevent it boring down mercilessly as I plodded along.

I reached the gates of the campsite satisfied and once more relishing the fact that most of the site (including the rest of the Stevensons) were still slumbering.

I am thinking that in order to have any chance of completing the 12miles planned for tomorrow I will need to get up even earlier!! Perhaps I should just squeeze them in before I actually go to bed!


1 comment:

Alexandra said...

Great work at keeping up with the running while vacationing! Sunny days are to treasure!

Check out my post "Meaning of Medals". I tagged you! I'm curious to know what you may think!