Well I am back. I just barely survived though!!
The IOM half was just about the toughest race I have ever done!!
We had driven round the course the night before and I had been relieved to find that after the 'hill' at 4 miles it was indeed undulating
downwards back to Ramsey!
As it turned out the first 4 miles were the best. The weather seemed ok at the start, overcast with the hint of rain. We set off along the prom and up the first hill!
I am not sure when the first rain started, but I didn't mind that, it was refreshing. I puffed and panted up a few hills toll we reached the 'killer hill' at Bride. Still I felt I kept going planning to make up the lost time on the long undulating route back.......
As we turned back towards Andreas the wind had other plans. For the next 5 miles I felt like a rag doll being tossed about in the wind, it was battering me from all directions (except behind!) and it was a tussle to propel myself forwards let alone with any speed. I could see Roberts Garscube top ahead, he was doing well and still looked strong as I began to loose the fight with the wind.
Only just managing to hang in there I turned onto St Judes road, which in the car looked flat. It turned out to be a Drymen rd type of flat with extra hills and ramps to punish the already tired legs!
At this point it felt like everyone in the whole race was overtaking me and I was completely powerless to react!! What's more the sun came out!!(you know how I love that!)So by the time I got to the stadium I felt like I had experienced all seasons and looked like a scarecrow as a result of the multi direction wind.I don't think I fooled anyone by my attempts at a 'strong finish'.
Usually when I do a race I manage to get a pace and fall in with similar ability runners, in this race everyone was everywhere!!
I ended up with a time of 1:49:52. It was a lot slower than I had hoped for but given the course and the weather an average of 8:20mm wasn't too bad. I was further buoyed when I discovered I was 13th woman overall and 3rd in my category...so a 3rd place plaque for the shelf:-) I guess everyone was finding it tough.

It was a great training session too and plenty to draw upon in the tough moments of the marathon!!
Robert did really well with an official time of 1:46 54th overall and 4th in his category.
Just to be sure I haven't put anyone off the race was really well organised, the scenery brilliant, the Manx friendly AND there is a fantastic spread at the end where everyone compares their experience;-)
Me in the very flattering race tee-shirt!