Another glorious day.
At 7pm the whistle blew for the first 3k race involving both the adult section and the kids section. (There are more adults at the back of this picture honest!!)
It was 6pm when the first kids started arriving, and they just kept coming and coming and coming..... By 6:30 there was a buzz of pre race excitement in the air, many of the younger kids had never raced before (let alone with the adults) and they were up for it. The adults had begun to turn up by now, including big Murray who was taking the race seriously enough to wear his racing shoes!
A couple of the other coaches and I took the kids down to the footy pitches to play a couple of warm up games, just to try and maintain an element of order and contain the masses!
I had been appointed the blue team to lead warm up with Jill. After splitting everyone into their teams (defined by a coloured dot on their numbers) we set off to do some dynamic warm ups.
There was a mass start. I was the official 'Last Runner' which involved a sprint start followed by about 800 meters of running and the rest more of a jog/walk. It is often the kids at the back who show you what real spirit is. They fight through stitches and fatigue but just keep on going.
It was a fantastic event. I am certain that everyone who was there had a great time.
Just for the record the red team won. The real winner was the club itself though as it was great to see the two sections participating in a joint event. Over 80 entrants can't be bad!
Hopefully there will be a chance for more events along this line.
After getting all the kids home I still had my reps session to complete! Not surprisingly it was the last thing I felt like doing...I just wanted to get my tea!
It is however slightly easier when the sun is still shining so I trundled down to the loch with Robert and we began.
As is often the case with reps the 'getting started' bit is often much worse than the actual event itself, we were soon into the session powering our way round the Loch, dodging the dog walkers and strollers.
We decided to stick to just 4 reps. We will start to ramp up the numbers next week!!
4x1000m 4:11. 4:12, 4:12, 4:12 (hows that for consistency?)
Murray in racing shoes?? Ha ha. That's brilliant.
Fabulous turn-out. Well done to everyone involved.
Good consistent session after an enjoyable night at Club team race. Getting better and fitter. Bet you glad you did it now.
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