Today I joined Carol and Margaret for their regular Thursday run.
It was a bright morning and the temperature was about 1 degree.
I met them at Clober carpark on the West Highland Way and we set off for a sociable 10 miler.
Now I make this my starting point for runs quite often but I would not have the will power to do today's route by choice! We ran out and hit the first hill, a sharp incline at the start of the run. It's a while since I've done this as when alone or determining the route I take the second route option which gives around .75 mile warm up before the climb! Heart and lungs working hard we were well warmed up within the first 5 mins!
The next delight was the Khyber....the infamous hill that goes on and on. If that wasn't enough we dropped down into Strathblane knowing that we had another mammoth climb back up Stockiemuir Road...two whoppers in one run. And I opted for this instead of tonight's hill running session!!
It was quite slippy in parts although the areas that were thawing out were pretty muddy and wet. Never happy!!

Unfortunately Carol was suffering and her heart rate was going crazy. As we got to the last 3 miles at Carbeth Margaret and I ran on and I returned with the car to collect her where the road crosses the WHW. By the time I got to her she was feeling much better and could probably have run fine. It's just too cold to walk for long after a run though especially when feeling unwell.
10 miles 1h 36
wow! sounds awesome. rather you than me though on a early morning! how on earth did you fit in breakfast beforehand?!
Breakfast!! More like a glass of Juice and out!
i couldn't do more than 3 miles without brekker! x
WOW! Is that really what your view looked like? It looks like a beautiful autumn day! What I would give to have that over the white right now for running! Although, I would love to have that without the hills!
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