Anyway I got home and decided I could wait no longer. I needed to enter something.
I've had itchy "online entering fingers" for a while now,as I would normally have a race goal or something by this time of year.
Fiona outdoors has been blogging like mad and her recent chat about the Mighty Deerstalker was enough to tempt my interest further.
Check out these pictures I have nicked from the site!

Now tell me you're not tempted? :-))
Here's what it says about itself!
The Deerstalker is a turbo-charged roller coaster of a run. It's fun, it's fast, it's action-packed and it's as tough as you can bear. This is Fun Run meets Fell Race meets Hellrunner meets Tough Guy. It's Rat Race in the countryside and it's much more besides.
Holy! Moly! Sounds extreme to me! I know that feeling of needing to be entered in something. I don't know what's worse, a marathon or this Deerstalker thing!!!
I did the Deerstalker last year. I covered it for My Race and there's a report on my blog. It was an, erm, interesting experience.
Go girl! You'll love it. The organiser has seen my blog and is telling me to enter now. Think I might! It's a lot of fun and there's no need to slog your guts out either. Just laugh your way round. that's what I did! x
Yeah and you came...third!!
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