I spent the day deliberating. Eventually deciding to go for an easy 3 with Daisy along the west highland way.
I left it quite late in the afternoon, but made it to clobber car park by about 3.30pm.
I have a dull ache in my lower back now but it is a lot better. I reached the 1.5mile turning point at the base of the khyber and just carried on. My feet led the way and Daisy followed. We just kept on running. It was not fast but I was so glad to be out the pleasure out weighed the slight discomfort that I am pleased to say did not worsen. As long as I kept an easy pace it felt manageable.
Sometimes I take running for granted, I expect to do it and it can almost become a chore, but today I smelt the freshly cut trees and savoured every lung full of cold fresh air. I know it's a bit 'Waltonsey' but it's true, I felt so lucky to be fit and healthy enough to be doing it.
I ran as far as Carbeth huts then turned back up the ridge up to Mugdock, returning through the park.
I can't imagine not running. I will have goals and I will make some and miss others but I really hope I can keep running for a long time!
The other revelation is that Daisy managed it no bother. She wasn't even tired! she has 4 tiny legs and she just runs....it's like no one's told her she can't do it so she just runs. Maybe she has a half Marathon in her? I have been restricting her to 3 mile runs!
7m 1h 08m
Plans for 2021
4 years ago
On yerself Daisy!!!
I can't wait to get back out. Got my new trainers shaking in the box. Think it will be another couple of weeks though.
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